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3 votes

Additional glass types?

Great app! Are there any plans for adding additional glassware shapes onto the standard list? I use my taps to serve wine on nitro. Alternatively, what does the code look like to load a new shape? Thanks!

Under Review 0 comments
2 votes

Allow custom brewery name

Right now you can select your name or looks like your URL name but does not allow you to enter a fanciful name.

Under Review 0 comments
1 vote


Are there plans for Ispindel intergration

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3 votes

Tapped Out or Custom keg status

It would be great to be able to set the tap status to tapped out or allow us to set a custom keg status.

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4 votes

Customize pour amounts

Would like the ability to edit the pour amounts from default. For example instead of a 4oz pour I would like to put in a 3oz and instead of a 8oz pour I would like a 6oz pour.

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5 votes

Easier beer update from Brewfather

Add refresh buttons for the Brewfather integration right on the beers page, so I don’t need to wade through the settings pages to do that.

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6 votes

QR code

QR code for visitors to scan and have on their device instead of sending a link

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4 votes

Vertical layout

Two-columns and three-rows is okay to layout 6 beer taps. What would be great is a single row with 6 columns for beers – as an option with any of the styles applied.

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16 votes

App for Amazon Fire Stick?

Would like to use an old computer monitor without RaspberryPi, etc. Any chance we can get an app like Taplist.io has?

Under Review 4 comments
17 votes

Visible Display of Beer Remaining - Plaato Keg

Have either the glass icon, or a picture of a keg that can simulate how much beer remains in the keg. If Plaato says it has 50% remaining, glass icon or keg icon will show 50% full.

Planned 3 comments
8 votes

Ability to use artwork AND glass

Looks like we can choose our artwork or a glass type, could we use both? I like my art but would like to show the preferred vessel as well. https://apothecarybeer.com/ontap/

Planned 4 comments
5 votes

"Keg" option in addition to Glass style

Add an option to select Keg (with type … Corny, etc.) rather than Glass type. Bonus points if the volume of liquid shown in the Keg image matches the % of beer remaining as reported by Plaato Keg (similar to what taplist.io has done).

Planned 1 comment
15 votes

TV screen configuration

Have configuration for automatic screen adjustment to be used on TV monitors. According to resolution.

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1 vote

Fit to screen on iOS

I’d like to use an old iPhone hooked up to a monitor to display this, but can’t quite get it to fit all 4 beers to the entire screen. Any way around this? Do I need a laptop or raspberry pi?

1 comment
7 votes

Plaato Volume Left Readout

An option to select if the Plaato integrated kegs display weight or volume on the tap page.

Under Review 2 comments
4 votes

Embed in existing webpage

It would be great to be able to embed the drink menu into an already existing webpage.

1 vote

RTL text support

Support RTL texts and fonts. Currently all texts that are written RTL are shown LTR. Since not all brewers worldwide (or beer drinkers, in my case) like to read the beer description in English, RTL support will be great. Also, adding a few fonts for Hebrew will be great. Can use google fonts. Can contact […]

1 comment
4 votes

Larger Target for Full Screen Card

Is it possible to have an option to make the whole card clickable to show/hide the larger version? The image/default glass works, but a larger area would make it easier to use on touch displays. I’m using Template 1 but I think the option could work on all of them.

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1 vote

Locations for beer taps / group taps in same place

Could we have a function to group beer taps in the same location of the house/manor/garage/brewpub/mancave/boat etc? Like a text field on the “Tap list setup” page where you write where the tap is located. So if I have five taps in the garage and two in the house I write “Garage” and “House” and […]

2 votes

Add social media icons

Add a section to allow users to add their beer related social media accounts (as icons) and maybe a free form HTML field to add whatever other info you like. Could be aligned to top/bottom and left/right/center

Under Review 3 comments
3 votes

Allow custom URLs

If a user has a custom url (as in I own the domain) allow me to use that URL but yet display the tapitgood tap list from that url.

Under Review 1 comment
10 votes

Different colors on "Keg", "Soon" "Planned" etc.

Could we get customizable colors for the small tags with Keg, Soon, Planned etc? I am thinking this could be in Design settings. What if we could customize what it should say(to allow for use of ones own language) as well as the colors?

7 votes

Add BJCP Styles to beer Type drop downdd BJCP

Add BJCP 2015 Beer Styles in Beer Type selection as drop down or user editable style. Add BJCP names and category in parentheses, example Weisbeer (10A)/Fruited Beer (29A)

11 votes

Multi Screen Option

Would be good to be able to split into Multiple Screens. I can see 2 options here – I think both are valid. Option 1 – Using Screen Real Estate size to dispaly x Taps to a Screen, then where more Beers than fit Real Estate – Cycle though Screen based on a user setable […]

Planned 2 comments
3 votes

Add yeast to ingredients

Add yeast to the list of ingredients same as malt and Hops used

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2 votes

Add Brewer Name List

To Support Multiple brewers sharing a Taplist. i.e. I did a brew with a Pal, but most of my beers are my own. Allow a Default Brewer To auto populate the Brewer Field (Default).

9 votes

Flow meter integration

Add integration with flow meters that will display volume remaining in keg(s). ** If you are looking for this to be integrated, please add the specific model of flowmeter you are using in the comments below

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9 votes

Manual inventory levels (add a pour)

Provide a button on each beer that would display a pop-up and allow you to record each pour. The pop up would show pour size – pint, schooner, 300ml, 500ml or whatever you choose in the settings. It could also be used with cans or bottles and would let you know when you are running […]

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